Disassembling These Guns


            Many of these guns have been damaged by people trying to get them apart without knowing how. Others have never tried to do so for fear of damaging them. However, instructions with step-by-step photos are readily available in standard reference books. You probably already have these books or know someone who does. I have also included some links on disassembly here. Always make sure your gun is unloaded before handling it. Always keep your finger off the trigger and out of the trigger guard unless you intend to fire. Always keep your muzzle pointed in a safe direction. If you do not know what you are doing, find someone who does. Safety first! I am not responsible for any damage, injury or death you may cause by using or misusing any of the information contained in any of these resources.


Instructions for the Type 26 revolver:

            The Gun Digest Book of Firearms Assembly/Disassembly, Part II: Revolvers, Revised Edition by J.B. Wood (DBI Books, Northbrook Illinois, 1990), pages 191-198.

Instructions for the Type 14 semi-auto:

            The Gun Digest Book of Firearms Assembly/Disassembly, Part I: Automatic Pistols, by J.B. Wood (DBI Books, Northbrook Illinois, 1979), pages 220-226.

Instructions for the Type 94 semi-auto:

            The Gun Digest Book of Firearms Assembly/Disassembly, Part I: Automatic Pistols by J.B. Wood (DBI Books, Northbrook Illinois, 1979), pages 227-232.

            The specialized reference books pictured above also have instructions for these guns and the earlier semi-auto designs, but not step-by-step pictures.


Web Pages on Type 14 Disassembly:

            There are several procedures that differ in the order of approaching the stages of disassembly. (I will post links to YouTube videos here when I update—this seems to be the preferred way of learning everything nowadays)

            I have also posted part of a US Army WWII manual that gives a verbal description of Type 14 disassembly without photos at: US Army WWII Type 14 Disassembly Instructions


Web Page on Type 94 Disassembly:

            I have also posted part of a US Army WWII manual that gives a verbal description of Type 14 disassembly without photos at: US Army WWII Type 94 Disassembly Instructions


Web Page on Papa Nambu Disassembly:

            I have included instructions for basic field-stripping of the Papa Nambu in my page on one of my Papa Nambu pistols. Please see: Papa Nambu Photos (Tokyo Arsenal, pistol 4084). The instructions are at the very end of that page.


Last updated: June 10, 2006. All contents are copyright Teri unless otherwise specified and may not be used elsewhere in any form without prior permission.


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